About the Conference
Since 2015, the LOD Conference brings academics, researchers and industrial researchers together in a unique multidisciplinary community to discuss and present the state of the art and the latest advances in the integration of machine learning, optimization and data science to provide the scientific and technological foundations for interpretable, explainable and trustworthy AI. Since 2017, LOD adopted the Asilomar AI Principles.
The 6th Annual Conference on machine Learning, Optimization and Data science (LOD) is a international conference on machine learning, computational optimization and big data that includes invited talks, tutorial talks, special sessions, industrial tracks, demonstrations and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers.
LOD has established itself as a premier multidisciplinary conference in machine learning, computational optimization and data science. It provides an international forum for presentation of original multidisciplinary research results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative and practical development experiences.
We invite submissions of papers, abstracts, posters and demos on all topics related to Machine learning, Optimization and Data Science including real-world applications for the Conference proceedings – Springer – Nature Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
The LOD Conference Manifesto
“The problem of understanding intelligence is said to be the greatest problem in science today and “the” problem for this century — as deciphering the genetic code was for the second half of the last one.
Arguably, the problem of learning represents a gateway to understanding intelligence in brains and machines, to discovering how the human brain works, and to making intelligent machines that learn from experience and improve their competences as children do.
In engineering, learning techniques would make it possible to develop software that can be quickly customized to deal with the increasing amount of information and the flood of data around us.”
“The Mathematics of Learning: Dealing with Data“
Tomaso Poggio (MOD 2015 & LOD 2020 Keynote Speaker)
Steve Smale
Artificial Intelligence has already provided beneficial tools that are used every day by people around the world. Its continued development, guided by the Asilomar AI principles, will offer amazing opportunities to help and empower people in the decades and centuries ahead.
The Asilomar AI principles have been adopted by the LOD Conference since their initial formulation, 3-5 January 2017. Since then they have been an integral part of the Manifesto of LOD Community (LOD 2017).
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Recent News
- Jan 28, 2021 — Springer Nature LNCS Proceedings of the “6th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, LOD 2020”
- Jan 27, 2021 — Video of the Naftali Tishby’s Lecture
- Sep 22, 2020 — LOD 2020 Springer LNCS volume numbers: 12565 and 12566
- Jul 12, 2020 — LOD 2020 Poster
- Jul 2, 2020 — Presentations Guide
- Jul 2, 2020 — Zoom: for LOD 2020 participants using remote connection
- Jun 24, 2020 — LOD 2020 Program – Final Version
- Jun 20, 2020 — New Keynote Speaker: Prof. Bettina Berendt
- Jun 17, 2020 — Re-open EU https://reopen.europa.eu/en/
- Jun 17, 2020 — Prof. Pierre Baldi’s Keynote Talks
- Jun 15, 2020 — Certosa di Pontignano Accommodation Form
- Jun 12, 2020 — Social activities: Visit of the Certosa di Pontignano, Tour in the Tuscan Countryside and Wine Tasting.
- Jun 12, 2020 — 570+ confirmed PC members! Breaking the record of the last edition!
- Jun 12, 2020 — New Keynote Speaker: Prof. Isabel Valera
Keynote Speakers
(random order)
Tutorial Speakers

General Chairs

Program Chairs

Special Sessions Chair

Tutorial Sessions Chair

Publicity Chair

Industrial Session Chairs

Steering Committee

Past Editions
Many international well-known experts in Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data have joined LOD. Let’s review the history of LOD.
- LOD 2019
The Fifth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data
Certosa di Pontignano – Siena – Tuscany – Italy - LOD 2018
The Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy - MOD 2017
The Third International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy - MOD 2016
The Second International Workshop on Machine learning, Optimization and big Data
Volterra – Tuscany – Italy - MOD 2015
International Workshop on Machine learning, Optimization and big Data
Taormina – Sicily – Italy